This is Tilda, a kitten from Philadelphia, posing before she was to select the winner of my sister's nail polish giveaway. My sister likes to use animals as the fair and impartial judges. She writes the entries on slips of paper and places tempting treats underneath as a reward. As you can see, Tilda has a cat leash since she is young and in a major city.
Pictured in the Halloween bag is my cat who we lovingly called "Cat." He was 17 years old in these cat photos. He did not immediately understand his role as judge in the contest.
If I can't see you, you don't exist! |
Who would have guessed that besides helping the backyard environment, the scratching motions of chickens would also help select a giveaway winner. My chicken Pidgeroo is featured with her brother rummaging through bird seed. Pidgeroo, so named because when she was very young, she resembled a mix between a pigeon and a rooster. Pidgeroo has provided many small brown eggs for eating, and later had a family. Now she is a grandmother.
Finally, here is Elf, a very independent Miniature Pinscher. He is using his innate skills in rodent control to randomly select a contest winner. Although Elf seems to be a sleek and capable hunter, at night he tunnels under his favorite blanket and falls asleep.
True to his mischievous nature, Elf sneaks away with the winning entry.
All photos courtesy of Diana Antal.
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