Sunday, September 2, 2012

Advantages of Raising Backyard Chickens

Raising Backyard Chickens For Nutritional Eggs

raising backyard chickens image of hen roaming freely
Raising backyard chickens has many benefits.  One such advantage is the increased nutritional value of the egg.  Besides tasting delicious, the egg from a free range chicken has a greater amount of Vitamin A and E. Also, there is less cholesterol and saturated fat.

Due to chickens eating greens such as grass, the omega-3 fatty acids are higher.  Omega-3 fatty acids help the human heart and brain function. The beta-carotene levels of these fresh eggs are said to be 7 times higher. Known as the precursor to Vitamin A, beta-carotene is an organic compound found in the yellow color of yolks. The antioxidant effects of beta carotene protect the body against cellular damage from free radicals.

Not only do chickens living in a natural environment provide nutritious eggs, they help in the areas of bug control and enriching soil as well.  Chickens like to scratch at soil while hunting for food such as bugs, worms and seeds. In doing so, they help aerate the soil and help fallen leaves to decompose.

raising backyard chickens image of hen with puppies
Raising backyard chickens is rewarding.  Chickens can be very friendly.  Often when someone comes through the gate, they are greeted by an inquisitive flock.  Also, chickens get along well with other socialized pets.

A requirement for raising backyard chickens is good feed, fresh water and a safe and natural setting in which to roam.  Certain predators such as hawks, cats and foxes may threaten the unassuming chicken.  Providing a clean chicken coop will protect the chickens at night and allow for a quiet place to lay eggs. Our chickens retire every night at dusk.  While most go into their house, many of the older ones roost in the trees.

Helpful Product For Raising Backyard Chickens

How To Build A Chicken Coop

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