Cat Toys Entertain
A myriad of cat toys satisfy this fickle creature's necessity for fun. Some suggestions for toys include towers, stuffed mice, small amounts of catnip, stuffed animals, ribbons, drinking straws and balls. Boxes and bags also allow the feline to enter a different world.From an early age, cats love to play. They pounce. They swat. They chew. A cat who swats and pounces is honing their inherent hunting skills. The act of chewing allows them to clean their teeth. For kittens within three to six months of age, chewing reduces the pain of teething.
Entertaining your cat does not have to come at a great expense. Homemade cat toys and towers are fun to create. Find some items around the house that can be recycled with a new use. These basic Items can make for interesting diversions. Our pet whom we referred to as "Cat" is enjoying one of his homemade cat toys. Made from loops for crafting pot holders, we tied many of them together in a haphazard fashion. Attached at the bottom are some pom poms. Be careful to use only non-toxic parts.
Anything an owner can do to substitute a natural setting is important for their pets to thrive. This can be accomplished by providing an environment abounding with activity and curiosity. Also, it will keep their attention away from harmful products such as electrical cords and toxic plants. Make good use of the time when your cat is alert and awake, which really is not that long. Unexpended energy usually results in destruction.
There are times when your pet's interaction with cat toys needs to be independent of you. This occurs when you are trying to sleep. Some breeds of cats are predominately night hunters. Nature has helped with the markings of their coat. A cat with light markings surrounding the eye area are meant to be on the prowl at night. The lighter colors attract the most light to enhance their night vision. Those that hunt in the day are gifted with dark markings around the eyes to eliminate glare. If you happen to own the night stalker, scatter some interesting cat toys about the house.
Your feline friend likes to feel secure. The top secret space inside a simple box or bag satisfies their primal instinct of hiding and perhaps readying themselves for the element of surprise. There are many inexpensive ways to provide this strategic, safety zone such as a Halloween bag.
Learn About Catnip As Cat Toys
Popular cat toys can be filled with catnip. The plant catnip is a member of the mint family. The essential oil known as nepetalactone is the ingredient which causes unique reactions in cats. Nepetalactone is released when cats interact with the catnip through sniffing, rubbing, licking or clawing motions. The results of catnip occur in the olfactory system in which cats have a receptor. The effects of catnip through interaction will act as an hallucinogen, while if ingested the effects will be that of a sedative. For 5 to 10 minutes, after nepetalactone is present, the stimulated response can be seen through hunting, chasing, short spurts of energy or just periods of sheer happiness.Catnip is not toxic. A cat's response to catnip is hereditary. Some are unaffected. As with any medicinal plant, portions should consist of a moderate amount, if ingested. An adverse reaction to catnip may exhibit as vomiting or stomach upset. In this case, no more catnip. Usually, cats know when enough will suffice. A similar situation is evident when cats are stroked by their owners. The enjoyment lasts for a while until cats become over stimulated and the moment is lost. The end can be signaled by the swinging of a claw, jumping off your lap or rapid movement of the tail.
Here is an easy way to incorporate catnip. Fill a small sock or thin cloth pouch with catnip. Secure with ribbon or yarn. Attach feathers or pom poms to the end of your creation.
Contrary to their sometimes stoic expressions, cats need to interact. Fashion your own toys. Your feline will most likely play as you are crafting their cat toys.