Friday, November 16, 2012

Homemade Cat Food For Nutrition

Homemade cat food is essential for every domestic cat from the docile and aloof to the calculating hunter. The latter corresponds to the most crucial element of nutrition throughout the history of the species. Cats are obligate carnivores. They must eat meat. All cats including lions of the wild and tamed pets need a significant amount of animal-based proteins.

Homemade Cat Food and Animal Proteins

Felines cannot efficiently digest and use plant materials as a source of protein like human beings or canines. A plant-based diet will result in disease namely of the heart and the eyes. Proteins from animals have necessary amino acids. Taurine, for example, is a critical amino acid not found in plants. Taurine deficiency is a major reason for a sickly cat. Also, vitamins are found in animals such as liver which is a natural source of Vitamin A.

Prepare homemade cat food with mainly animal-based proteins, giving them the same dietary ingredients in which their predecessors thrived. For thousands of years, cats have succeeded as hunting carnivores. Four canine teeth are used to grab prey. The skeleton is built for agility and cushioned pads on their paws allow silent stalking and less injury while sprinting and leaping.  Long ago, wildcats were desert dwellers - their prey being the main source of hydration and nutrition. A cat, hunting in the wild will capture prey that contains up to 75 percent water. Since meat holds more moisture, hydration intakes are better served as well.

To supplement homemade cat food, felines need a separate bowl of pure drinking water. Deadly kidney problems, it is believed, such as chronic renal failure occur from a long-term lack of water in the diet. This can occur from a diet of dry food. Although cats have great reserves of water in their kidneys, signs of chronic renal failure may not appear until most of the kidney tissue does not work. Because cats are not thirsty creatures, have fresh water available at all times along with a moisture-rich meal.

Further, a steady diet of dry food adds unnecessary carbohydrates. Cats do not need excess  carbohydrates. A marked increase of such disrupts their blood sugar levels and can cause diabetes. Members of the feline family cannot process carbohydrates as efficiently as they can metabolize protein to glucose for energy. Also, carbohydrates are known to make urine alkaline. Their urine needs a pH balance of acidic. If a cat's urine does not hover within the acidic range of 6.0 to 6.5, crystals will develop. A higher acidic urine measure will yield a growth of magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals. A pH value below 6 may cause calcium oxalate crystals.

Of course, a cat's diet cannot be only meat. Minerals like calcium would be lacking. Calcium is needed for the proper function of bones, blood, muscles and nerves. Dietary calcium can be found in dairy, bones and leguminous plants such as beans or peas. Another necessary mineral is phosphorous which is contained in meat. The calcium phosphorous ratio of 1.2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorous is optimal for your pet's health.

Artifacts discovered from ancient Egypt have shown that cats were revered and worshiped. Somehow the modern house cat seems to expect this heritage. This genetically sleek and sinewy predator, though easily intrigued by yarn or string, deserves the best. Homemade cat food created with the correct balance of meat, water, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals promotes excellent health and prevents the downside of deficiency.

Article By Claire Milligan
Photo Courtesy of Diana Antal

Homemade Cat Food

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pecking Order Of Family Chickens

The pecking order of backyard chickens is necessary for survival.  Referring to the dominance of chickens, the term "pecking order" was made in the 1920s. Here, German observers noted how hens used their beaks to establish leadership especially during meals.

Within the flock, the hen at the top of the pecking order has the privilege of eating first and having the prime location in which to sleep and lay eggs.  Their position  requires them to maintain order in frenzied times of frolic. The underlings also have respect for other household pets who were present before their arrival.

backyard chickens image of hens being mindful of a cockatiel
The chickens always have revered the cockatiel, Sun.

backyard chickens pecking order image of tiny hen and rooster
Although the smallest hen in size, Pidgeroo is the leader.

backyard chickens pecking order image of baby chicks
Featured are a few of Pidgeroo's chicks who will rank lower in the pecking order.

Aside from the dynamic of hens, the roosters have their own agenda.  Roosters protect the flock and establish a territory.  They do so through crowing. Even before the first sign of light, roosters may be heard crowing to anticipate the sunrise.  Roosters crow to define their territory.  They also alert wandering chickens that it is time for food or sleep. More important, a rooster will crow to warn his fellow chickens of a nearby predator such as a circling hawk or eagle.

Dusk brings the chickens home to roost.  The alpha hen gets the first choice of sleeping arrangements. Usually, the chickens crowd together to keep warm.  As of late, our chickens have been roosting in the leafy trees.  Some branches are lined with many cuddling chickens, while others just have two buddies.

Monday, October 8, 2012

German Shepherd Training and the Effect of Senses

german shepherd training image of family dogs and girls
German Shepherd training can be more effective when realizing that dogs have an extraordinary awareness of their environment.  Since canines are descendants of wolves, socialization and training are mandatory.  Wolves have a pack mentality with the alpha wolf being the leader.  If your pet is not trained properly and does not recognize a clear leader within the family dynamic, they will fill this position as the alpha dog.

When training a white German Shepherd, one must be cognizant of a canine's superior senses.  These may come into play in the form of distractions.  A dog can become alerted by a sound, a scent or motion.  For example, a dog may experience a loss in concentration when picking up a scent.  The German Shepherd has a remarkable sense of smell with some 200 million olfactory senses in their noses.  A human being has about 5 million in comparison. Olfaction is defined as the process of smelling.  A canine's sense of smell is so refined that they can detect different types of chemical molecules.   These include food ingredients, drugs and even bugs.  Studies show the German Shepherd breed has identified diseases such as cancer through the sense of smell and metabolic disturbances. An example of these scents include volatile organic compounds not found in healthy human tissue.

german shepherd training image of max and foo foo near creek
Other senses that may cause a loss of focus are the sense of sight.  Although a dog has trouble interpreting vibrant colors such as shades of red and green, they are excellent motion detectors.  In particular, the German Shepherd breed can see things moving at great distances because of the placement of their eyes. This wider field of vision is consistent with dogs that have longer noses.

Regarding hearing, it is said a dog can hear 4 times the distance of humans.  They can ascertain the location of sound quite quickly due to the eighteen muscles which operate the ears. Also dogs can hear at higher frequencies than people. The ears of the German Shepherd will tilt and rotate to the direction of the sound, since they are upright and curved.

Thus, it is important to find a quiet location, so your pet can focus. Here are some other tips:

  • Keep the commands short.  One word commands should suffice.
  • Train in a location relatively free from distractions.
  • Be consistent with movements of your body.  Too many movements may be interpreted as new commands.
  • Reward with treats immediately.  Keep treats out of sight until after achievement.
  • Positive reinforcement and high praise are key.

The German Shepherd breed loves to learn and is eager to please.  Successful training makes for a loyal dog and lifelong friend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Entertaining Cat Toys

Cat Toys Entertain

cat toys image of feline with homemade rag pieces on its head
A myriad of cat toys satisfy this fickle creature's necessity for fun. Some suggestions for toys include towers, stuffed mice, small amounts of catnip, stuffed animals, ribbons, drinking straws and balls. Boxes and bags also allow the feline to enter a different world.

From an early age, cats love to play. They pounce. They swat. They chew. A cat who swats and pounces is honing their inherent hunting skills. The act of chewing allows them to clean their teeth. For kittens within three to six months of age, chewing reduces the pain of teething.

Entertaining your cat does not have to come at a great expense. Homemade cat toys and towers are fun to create. Find some items around the house that can be recycled with a new use. These basic Items can make for interesting diversions. Our pet whom we referred to as "Cat" is enjoying one of his homemade cat toys. Made from loops for crafting pot holders, we tied many of them together in a haphazard fashion. Attached at the bottom are some pom poms. Be careful to use only non-toxic parts.

Anything an owner can do to substitute a natural setting is important for their pets to thrive. This can be accomplished by providing an environment abounding with activity and curiosity. Also, it will keep their attention away from harmful products such as electrical cords and toxic plants. Make good use of the time when your cat is alert and awake, which really is not that long. Unexpended energy usually results in destruction.

There are times when your pet's interaction with cat toys needs to be independent of you. This occurs when you are trying to sleep. Some breeds of cats are predominately night hunters. Nature has helped with the markings of their coat. A cat with light markings surrounding the eye area are meant to be on the prowl at night. The lighter colors attract the most light to enhance their night vision. Those that hunt in the day are gifted with dark markings around the eyes to eliminate glare. If you happen to own the night stalker, scatter some interesting cat toys about the house.

Your feline friend likes to feel secure. The top secret space inside a simple box or bag satisfies their primal instinct of hiding and perhaps readying themselves for the element of surprise. There are many inexpensive ways to provide this strategic, safety zone such as a Halloween bag.

Learn About Catnip As Cat Toys

Popular cat toys can be filled with catnip. The plant catnip is a member of the mint family. The essential oil known as nepetalactone is the ingredient which causes unique reactions in cats. Nepetalactone is released when cats interact with the catnip through sniffing, rubbing, licking or clawing motions. The results of catnip occur in the olfactory system in which cats have a receptor. The effects of catnip through interaction will act as an hallucinogen, while if ingested the effects will be that of a sedative. For 5 to 10 minutes, after nepetalactone is present, the stimulated response can be seen through hunting, chasing, short spurts of energy or just periods of sheer happiness.

Catnip is not toxic. A cat's response to catnip is hereditary. Some are unaffected. As with any medicinal plant, portions should consist of a moderate amount, if ingested. An adverse reaction to catnip may exhibit as vomiting or stomach upset. In this case, no more catnip. Usually, cats know when enough will suffice. A similar situation is evident when cats are stroked by their owners. The enjoyment lasts for a while until cats become over stimulated and the moment is lost. The end can be signaled by the swinging of a claw, jumping off your lap or rapid movement of the tail.

Here is an easy way to incorporate catnip. Fill a small sock or thin cloth pouch with catnip. Secure with ribbon or yarn. Attach feathers or pom poms to the end of your creation.

Contrary to their sometimes stoic expressions, cats need to interact. Fashion your own toys. Your feline will most likely play as you are crafting their cat toys.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Animals Selecting Giveaway Winners

This is Tilda, a kitten from Philadelphia, posing before she was to select the winner of my sister's nail polish giveaway. My sister likes to use animals as the fair and impartial judges. She writes the entries on slips of paper and places tempting treats underneath as a reward. As you can see, Tilda has a cat leash since she is young and in a major city.

Pictured in the Halloween bag is my cat who we lovingly called "Cat." He was 17 years old in these cat photos.  He did not immediately understand his role as judge in the contest.

If I can't see you, you don't exist!
There is no chance, it appears, that our cat would have escaped judging the giveaway to perhaps venture where the wildcats of the past were seen - on ships, at the local granary or being worshiped. We reside in a rural setting, and he was content to stay nearby.

Who would have guessed that besides helping the backyard environment, the scratching motions of chickens  would also help select a giveaway winner. My chicken Pidgeroo is featured with her brother rummaging through bird seed.  Pidgeroo, so named because when she was very young, she resembled a mix between a pigeon and a rooster.  Pidgeroo has provided many small brown eggs for eating, and later had a family.  Now she is a grandmother.

Finally, here is Elf, a very independent Miniature Pinscher. He is using his innate skills in rodent control to randomly select a contest winner. Although Elf seems to be a sleek and capable hunter, at night he tunnels under his favorite blanket and falls asleep.

True to his mischievous nature, Elf sneaks away with the winning entry.

All photos courtesy of Diana Antal.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Advantages of Raising Backyard Chickens

Raising Backyard Chickens For Nutritional Eggs

raising backyard chickens image of hen roaming freely
Raising backyard chickens has many benefits.  One such advantage is the increased nutritional value of the egg.  Besides tasting delicious, the egg from a free range chicken has a greater amount of Vitamin A and E. Also, there is less cholesterol and saturated fat.

Due to chickens eating greens such as grass, the omega-3 fatty acids are higher.  Omega-3 fatty acids help the human heart and brain function. The beta-carotene levels of these fresh eggs are said to be 7 times higher. Known as the precursor to Vitamin A, beta-carotene is an organic compound found in the yellow color of yolks. The antioxidant effects of beta carotene protect the body against cellular damage from free radicals.

Not only do chickens living in a natural environment provide nutritious eggs, they help in the areas of bug control and enriching soil as well.  Chickens like to scratch at soil while hunting for food such as bugs, worms and seeds. In doing so, they help aerate the soil and help fallen leaves to decompose.

raising backyard chickens image of hen with puppies
Raising backyard chickens is rewarding.  Chickens can be very friendly.  Often when someone comes through the gate, they are greeted by an inquisitive flock.  Also, chickens get along well with other socialized pets.

A requirement for raising backyard chickens is good feed, fresh water and a safe and natural setting in which to roam.  Certain predators such as hawks, cats and foxes may threaten the unassuming chicken.  Providing a clean chicken coop will protect the chickens at night and allow for a quiet place to lay eggs. Our chickens retire every night at dusk.  While most go into their house, many of the older ones roost in the trees.

Helpful Product For Raising Backyard Chickens

How To Build A Chicken Coop

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dog Body Language in Translation

Understanding Dog Body Language For Training

Translating dog body language is an effective technique for dog training.  Knowing how your pet communicates adds another dimension to realizing successful training goals.  Dogs are one of the most intelligent animals among domestic pets. They have the ability to communicate with humans, other dogs and animals. Dogs communicate by using an array of body language signs and vocals. These signs are made with the help of body movement involving eyes, ears, eyebrows, head, mouth and tail.

The Position and Movement of the Canine Tail

Dogs hold the feeling of dominance and submission in their tails.  This stems from their ancestors - wolves living in the wild.  Here the pack mentality is one of an established group hierarchy.  Confident and higher ranked dogs hold their tails in an upward position. The weaker dogs submit themselves to the stronger dog and  lower their tails when they feel insecure. As dogs fight for dominance, the fur on their tail stands up. Canines, and many other animals, do this to increase their size in front of an enemy.

dog body language image of german shepherd smiling on beach
A slowly wagging tail shows that the dog is confused.  They are confronted with an ambiguous situation.  Excited canines, however, exhibit a different display of dog body language and wag their tails very fast. If the hip moves along with the tail, the dog is ready for submission to an animal of higher rank.

Along with a raised tail, the showing of fangs is a sign of aggression.  The dog is ready to bite or attack, if the teeth are visible. Observing the number of teeth on display can differentiate their mood. When a dog snarls in agitation, all of the teeth and gums can be seen.  A true smile reveals only the front teeth, and their feeling is one of submissiveness or passivity.   Perhaps the expression is one of happiness like enjoying a cool afternoon in March at the beach. 

Sound Interpretation and Dog Body Language

Ears are good indicators of attention levels. A dog with erect and forward facing ears is said to be concentrating. Yet in fear, the ears are down.  Some dogs hold the ears in forward and horizontal direction when they are happy. If the dog tilts its head in a particular direction, the animal is trying to concentrate and recognize an unfamiliar sound.  Many canines, both domestic and wild, can scan their environment for sounds using one ear at a time.  Among the most common varieties of ears are the erect or pricked ears.  This type of dog body language is sported by the more wolf-like breeds such as German Shepherds and Basenjis and by semi-domestic dogs such as Dingoes and New Guinea singing dogs.

Barking is used to convey emotions such as pleasure, fear, stress and suspicion. In a majority of cases, barking sounds are heard to scare away strangers and to make the owner aware of an intruder.  If the barking slows to a deep growl, the dog is showing superiority and threatening the potential instigator of danger.

Your canine pet also tends to bark while they are playing or excited.  The barks are sharp and short. When they are stressed or anxious, they bark repeatedly in a high pitch tone. They also bark to communicate with other animals such as cats, deer, squirrels, foxes and other dogs.

Dogs howl for the purpose of long-range communication. This parallels that of the wolf pack - either the wolf is announcing its territory or a lost member is attempting to reunite with its pack.  There is an idea that when a dog hears a howling noise, they try to resonate with the sound wave, thus invoking an instinctual heightened emotion.

Dog Body Language - Time For Play

The act of yawning as a dog body language can show a range of emotion from boredom, stress or confusion. Sometimes yawning simply means the dog is tired and needs to be left alone. Panting with a full open mouth, shows happiness, while panting with a slightly open mouth means it wants to interact through play.

Like human beings, domestic dogs are trained for the ritual of the handshake. When your pet lifts one forelimb up, this also can signal a time for play. A canine will stamp its front limbs upon excitement. They scratch objects they want.

Recognizing these communication signs allow the pet owner to understand their dog's feelings.  Many situations can disturb even the best training efforts.  You will know the reason, and make the adjustment.  The ultimate goal of training is for your dog to be a wonderful companion and protector.  Translating Dog Body Language is helpful towards dog training success

Friday, August 31, 2012

Feeding Kittens Nutritional Meals For Future Good Health

Feeding kittens nutritional meals is paramount to future good health. Kittens have special needs in regards to nutrients. During the first year of life, a well-balanced diet will enable the development of strong bones, muscles and nervous system. Homemade cat food will ensure your kitten is on the correct path to become a happy, thriving cat.

Like a cat, a kitten's dietary requirement relies on nutrients from animal tissues. Cats are meat eaters - often referred to as obligate carnivores. Wildcats have survived for thousands of years on their prey which is high in protein and approximately 75 percent water. Specifically, proteins are made of 23 different amino acids. A kitten can make 12, but the remaining 11 known as the essential amino acids must come from their diets. Animal proteins from meat such as chicken and turkey contain these amino acids.

Taurine Is A Necessary Amino Acid For Feeding Kittens

An example of an essential amino acid paramount for young felines is taurine. This must come from animal tissues. Taurine helps a kitten develop and sustain a strong heart and optimal vision.  Naturally occurring Vitamin A from animal tissue is important since cats cannot convert beta-carotene from vegetables. To support their immune system, a kitten needs a balance of vitamins and minerals such as the B Vitamins of thiamine and niacin. They also need fatty acids such as linoleic acid and arachidonic acid. The calcium phosphorous ratio for a kitten is very important and could be unbalanced with improper supplementation.

With a healthy diet, a kitten will thrive. In the first few weeks of life alone, a kitten may triple its weight. The benefits of eating nutritionally sound recipes will show in your little cat's glossy coat, steady weight gain and healthy digestive system. A kitten has a smaller stomach and will need to eat smaller portions 3 to 4 times a day. As your pet ages from 6 months to 12 months, try for 2 meals a day. Be advised that kittens may not eat as much during the time when they lose their teeth and may suffer from sore gums. This happens between 4 to 7 months of age.

Feeding Kittens The Correct Amount of Food Is Essential

A danger with feeding kittens regards excess. Too many feedings lead to obesity, and too many supplements cause severe medical problems. A diet of mostly fish can cause Vitamin E deficiency while a diet which is only meat will upset the calcium phosphorous ratio. Be wary of feeding certain raw foods to kittens. Raw meat and liver contain pathogenic bacteria and parasites. Also raw eggs can lead to a decrease in the absorption of B vitamins, while raw fish can result in a thiamin deficiency.

As always, water is the most important nutrient for a growing animal. However, felines are not thirsty. Have fresh purified water available.  Designate a quiet area for the kitten to get hydrated and nourished.

Young cats in the wild have lived in a natural environment. We can recreate this for our adorable kittens. Try feeding kittens homemade cat food as one of their meals and extend this practice into adulthood.

Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Feeding Kittens