Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

foods dogs should not eat image of german shepherd
A balanced dog food diet can be achieved with the correct assimilation of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals which resemble those of their ancestors. For example, herding dogs of the past enjoyed a diet of beef and leafy greens. This was compatible with ensuring their good health, focus and energy levels. 

Certain foods while healthy to humans are extremely toxic to animals, affecting their nervous system and gastrointestinal system. The resulting adverse reactions are serious and sometimes deadly.

List Of Foods Dogs Should Not Eat

Be aware of the following dangers:

  • Avocados - Avocados contain persin - a fungicidal toxin which can cause breathing troubles and fluid accumulation around the heart of animals. Persin can be found in the leaves, seeds, bark and the fruit itself.
  • Chocolate - Stimulants in chocolate known as methylxanthines upset the dog's central nervous system and can cause seizures, diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Grapes, Raisins and Prunes - Elements in these fruits can be detrimental to your pet's health. The most devastating effects of toxicity are sudden renal failure and death.
  • Onions - Thiosulfate found in onions are responsible for gastrointestinal distress, because animals lack the enzyme to digest this substance. Also, thiosulfate weakens cell membranes, leading to the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Pitted Fruits - The pits of fruits such as peaches, cherries and apricots contain a small amount of cyanide which can be extremely toxic to animals. Trace elements of cyanide also reside in the seeds of apples, lemons and limes.
  • Raw Eggs - The protein avidin, present in raw egg whites, disallows the absorption of biotin (Vitamin B6). A deficiency in biotin may affect the dog's liver function, nervous system and skin and coat health. When a dog eats raw eggs, there is a risk for bacterial infection as well.

Healthy Choices For Dogs

Include fiber to promote digestive health.  Foods with a good content of fiber slow the digestive process so the body can absorb nutrients and also help move food through the digestive tract. As a source of soluble fiber and antioxidants, carrots are a healthy treat or meal addition.

Nutrition can play a role in dog skin health. Skin problems such as hot spots and yeast infections may be the result of food allergies. It is believed that a highly alkaline measure of  pH contributes to greater bacterial skin infections as opposed to breeds with acidic skin. Animal-based proteins such as those found in chicken, turkey and fish are a good source of essential amino acids for skin protection.

Larger canines like the German Shepherd need food that supports and strengthens joint cartilage. Acting as a shock absorber, cartilage cushions the bones. To prevent arthritis and reduce inflammation, add foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil.

A successful canine diet consists of foods that allow your pet to thrive. Provide foods which support digestive health as well as the immune system. Always have fresh purified water available.

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