Saturday, October 18, 2014

Chickens of the Fall

Free range chickens delight in the fall.  Blending in color with the variety of leaves, chickens begin their autumn gardening.  Beneath the fallen leaves, are small treasures of protein-enriched bugs and seeds. Chickens love to scratch and peck. Working the soil allows for aeration and compost material from the shredded leaves.

chickens of the fall pecking at a pumpkin

Treats of the season come in the form of pumpkins. Vitamins and phytonutrients support the health of the chicken. Pumpkin seeds help in ridding worms. Promote good digestion after the pumpkin melee with grit. Foods that can attract predators should not be near the coop. A sturdy coop also protects the flock from animals like raccoons, opossum, foxes and skunks.

Look out for the fall, sky predators - the owls of the night, and the hawks of the day. Eagles are stalwart hunters as well. The presence of larger pets will deter some of the planned attacks. Backyard chickens have good instincts. Even without a rooster, the hens will take the lead. They sound the alarm to others that a predator is overhead. Chickens have distinct communication calls. When a warning is given, chickens will heed and seek cover.

As the days grow shorter, chickens wander back to the coop progressively earlier at dusk. Temperatures tend to become cool and crisp at night. Chickens will huddle, arranging their thousands of feathers for maximum warmth.


Molting, a time of feather turnover may begin with the colder weather of the fall.  More feathers will be on the ground and less on the chicken. Feathers consist of  keratin, a protein fiber  Feeding chickens extra protein during this time will help with their energy. Also, when molting the hens may stop laying eggs.

If nature sees fit, babies born in the fall will become egg layers in the spring. 

Chickens of the fall are survivors.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Overcome Dog Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is an affliction brought on by the angst of being left alone. Like wolves, dogs are pack animals and naturally do not like to be separated. Canines associate their human family as members of the pack. A dog with separation anxiety will become exceedingly hyperactive and quite upset. This will manifest in desperate attempts to reunite with other pack members and finally on some level, devastation of the home.
dog separation anxiety photo of two dog friends who like to be together

To begin the cure of dog separation anxiety, good training and socialization must be achieved.  If not properly socialized, a dog will assume the position of pack leader. They will be upset with you for leaving, because this action  was not on their authority. They will extend this behavior to times of play and in demands of attention.  Of course, it is endearing when a dog wants to initiate play as long as they understand that the human family ranks higher in the pack. Also, whatever their place in the hierarchy of the family (perhaps surpassing a cat), a well-trained dog will be happy, accepting and confident with their rank. Uncertainty breeds destruction and fear.

Their distress, however, may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. In this case, medication for such problems as depression, dog separation anxiety or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be prescribed by a veterinarian. These medications will ease their levels of anxiety, and your pet will be able to cope. Your animal will not be permanently drowsy and some training techniques need to be applied as well.  Genetically, certain breeds are predisposed to separation anxiety. These include German Shepherds and Border Collies. Both of these herding breeds are highly intelligent and quite aware of their environment.

Initially, a dog owner must diagnose the situation of chaos. Did the dog destroy the house because of boredom or teething? Are they suffering from a severe psychological disorder? Are they physically ill and trying to get your attention? Were they fearful of a disturbance to their environment such as a loud passing thunderstorm?  Remember, dog separation anxiety is no one's fault including your pet.  You must help your loyal pet overcome their fears.  Aside from damage to the home, the poor dog may hurt themselves in the process.

Some basic analysis follows.  In many cases of separation anxiety, a dog will be with you constantly. They will be unnerved when you leave the room even just to go outside for a few moments alone. A dog will cry and whine when they sense you are leaving. Often they will try to beat you out of the house. A dog will win this foot race. After the melee of leaving, the dog will scratch at the door or window if within reach. Upon your return home, they are beside themselves with hyperactive glee. With separation anxiety, your pet may drool incessantly. They may go to the bathroom all over the house. These symptoms  of dog separation anxiety can be very stressful to the family as well.

Try these options to overcome dog separation anxiety before seeking professional advice. Since dogs are quite habitual, try varying the doors and duration of time in which you leave and come home. Practice this. Limit the level of excitement upon exit and entry, so the dog will not feed on the energy. Make sure your dog has had a nice meal and walk before leaving for many hours. Always make sure your dog is not dehydrated. Like humans, water balances melatonin and serotonin levels in the brain which help in sleep and well-being respectively. Have some toys for your dog to occupy their time. Most likely, they will nap after being well fed, hydrated and tired from their exercise. Dog separation anxiety will be eased.